How many people cycle and how often?

Posted on Posted in bikes, cycling, Wales

Cycling certainly seems to be on the increase. There are certainly more bike trails these days but how many people actually cycle regularly in Great Britain?

Well, a 2017 survey by ‘The British Social Attitudes’ found the following figures for adults over the age of 18:

Average frequency of cycling per person, GB 2017
How often? Percentage Millions of people (aged 18+)
Every day, or nearly every day 3% 1.7
2/5 days a week 5% 2.4
Once a week 4% 2.0
At least once a month 6% 3.1
Less often than once a month 10% 5.3
Never nowadays 71% 36.2

In Wales though:

  • About 5% of adults cycled at least once a week in 2016/17, and 3% at least three times a week

Myself, I’m a bit of a fair-weather biker and might cycle once or twice a week in the summer but less than once a month in the winter.  I know, shame on me.

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